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Here's Where to Fish in Morro Bay

Fishing in Morro Bay - Kid and Father fishing
Matt Claiborne
Matt Claiborne
September 24, 2021

Got your pole and bait, but still wondering where to fish in Morro Bay? Fishing is terrific on the central California coast, and Morro Bay's protected harbor makes it the perfect place to dip your line from shore or hop on a sportfishing charter. Here's a look at the absolute best places to fish in the area.

Ideas of Where to Fish in Morro Bay‍

Morro Bay with fishing boats nearby

Like many seaside resort towns, Morro Bay is blessed with world-class fishing. You can cast your line off the beach or pier, or you could book a charter trip.

Parks and Beach Access‍

Along the coast, the possibilities for fishing spots are endless. There are state, county, and city parks, private piers and all those glorious California beaches. This list certainly isn't all-inclusive--head to the coast and start scouting around. Before you know it, you'll have found a quiet spot all your own.

Regardless of where you wind up, double-check that the rules allow fishing and that you have the appropriate California Salt Water fishing license.

The spots closest to the town where you can dip your line in the water are Morro Bay State Park and Tidelands Park. Both sites are on the inner bay and have small piers and fish cleaning stations. The rocky shoreline makes for good bottom fishing.

Montana de Oro State Park

Similarly, Montaña de Oro State Park in Los Osos makes a great day trip. It's located just south of town, and the rugged shoreline makes for some great surf fishing. The quiet beach at Spooners Cove is a favorite spot, with lots of different places to set up a chair and wait for a bite.

If surf fishing is your game, you could also head north to Morro Strand State Beach. Coleman Park and Morro Rock Beach, just inside Morro Rock, are lovely because they get you away from the surf. You can cast your line into the deep water of Morro Bay Inlet. On the right tide, the fishing is stellar here.

Sportfishing Charters‍

Whale watching

Of course, towns like Morro Bay have more to offer anglers than beaches and piers. The city is the perfect place to find a deep-sea fishing charter. This is the best way to catch the big one during your time in town. The captain will know all the spots to go.

Depending on the size of the boat, you may have a small group or a big party. Either way, you'll get a nice day on the water, find a few fish, and maybe enjoy some whale watching.

Virg's Landing Sportfishing Tours has multiple boats that accommodate any size party and any length trip.

Pacific Charters Sportfishing specializes in smaller group charters on smaller boats. It's an excellent way for a personalized experience on the water and more time chatting with the expert captain.

Phenix Sportfishing carries 18 people and operates out of Avila Beach.

Black Pearl Sportfishing is a modern 65-foot fishing boat based at Virg's Landing. Not only do they operate fishing charters, but they also do whale-watching tours during the right season.

Catch Fun and Sun in Morro Bay‍

They say there are many fish in the ocean, and it's undoubtedly true in Morro Bay. But fishing is just one of the fun and rewarding things you can do during your stay. For more ideas, check out these free things to do in Morro Bay.